Wednesday, May 24, 2006




PEPE said...

you're on a serious roll brotha!! nice stuff!!

ken said...

thanks robin. trying to get my characters better

Chris Graf said...

yuo're on a posting extravaganza! your stuff is lookin great. funny yuo mention... i have heard of robin mitchell. he' s a huge inspiration.

José said...

what's up. I'm sorry it took forever to finally go to your blog but it looks great. What's up.

Justosaurus said...

Hey Ken you've reminded me that I need to draw more animals. cool stuff. Oh and as far as a title banner, just look at the source code of my blog (right click-'view source') then take a look at the code under " header" you'll see that it posts the header bg as a link to something i've uploaded to my blog. just fool around with the code a bit.took me a whiule but i got it to can just load something up, link it, then delete it from your blog even.

Lubomir said...

Nice! I like his expression and body language. I'm most impressed that you fly an airplane and have a cottage in the former Soviet Union! lol

CarolineJarvis said...

hahaha he's sooooo fun! Great new stuff on your blog! super fun cartoony!